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    Walls Intelligent Electric Equipment Pty.,Ltd 

      成立于1993年,公司从成立之初便以“创新&诚信” 作为最高价值观。公司致力于电能质量综合治理装置数十年,为用户端提供高效便捷的电能管理和用电安全的系统解决方案。目前沃尔斯拥有全系列的电能质量治理产品,包括APF、SVG、电容器、电抗器, 功率因数控制器等。

      经过Walls全体员工的不懈努力,Walls Intelligent 在澳洲拥有了可观的客户群体和优秀业绩,产品广泛应用于澳大利亚国内外市政工程,船舶航运、石油化工、轨道交通、电力系统以及清洁能源发电场等大型项目。

      Founded in 1993, Walls Intelligent Electric Equipment Pty., Ltd takes "Innovation & Integrity" as its highest value since its establishment. The company has been committed to the comprehensive improvement device of power quality for decades, providing users with efficient and convenient power management and power security system solutions. Walls Intelligent currently has a full range of power quality management products, including APF, SVG, PC, PF, APFC, ect..

      Through the unremitting efforts of all Walls employees, Walls Intelligent has a considerable customer base and excellent performance in Australia. Its products are widely used in municipal engineering, shipping, petrochemical, rail transit, power system, clean energy power plant and other large projects at home and abroad.


      从2018年起,Walls Intelligent Electric Equipment Pty.,Ltd 开始进入中国市场,并于2020年1月正式授权沃尔斯智能电气有限公司为中国唯一代理商。沃尔斯智能电气有限公司全权代理澳大利亚Walls Intelligent Electric Equipment Pty.,Ltd在中国市场的市场拓展、产品销售、售后服务和技术支持。


      From 2018, Walls Intelligent Electric Equipment Pty., Ltd began to enter the Chinese market and officially authorized 沃尔斯智能电气有限公司 as the only agent in China in January 2020. 沃尔斯智能电气有限公司 is the sole agent of Australia Walls Intelligent Electric Equipment Pty., Ltd., for market development, product sales, after-sales service and technical support in the Chinese market.

      Walls Intelligent (China) will adhere to the principles and values of the head office in Australia, take honesty as the foundation, forge ahead, strict quality control, to ensure that each product delivered to customers can achieve high application value. We will adhere to customer-centric, continuous innovation and unremitting efforts to create higher value for customers, and promote WALLS products as the top brand of China's power system.